Insight, flexibility and optimizationBecause price formation on the electricity market is determined by matching supply and demand, it has also become more volatile and will only increase. As an operator, you want to prevent these vulnerabilities and at the same time achieve returns by responding intelligently to current events. This requires insight, independence and agility.With Enius you turn the dynamics in the market into an opportunity. By using smart management, the diversity of energy markets and flexibility products offers enormous opportunities for you as an operator. This requires insight. You need to know what volumes you produce or do not produce (curtailed), you have contractual delivery obligations and precise control of your asset is required. This is based on a solid underlying strategy. Because if you want to bid on flexibility products in the energy market, it is necessary that you understand and monitor the impact.Our strategic advice and technical optimization go hand in hand with the implementation of smart control technology, which allows you to automatically respond to market dynamics on a daily basis and effectively manage and utilize imbalance costs. Enius. Use the dynamics.